The modern cracksman is often highly practised in up-to-the-minute metal cutting techniques, is an expert in the use of explosives and has an armoury more extensive, lethal, and more scientific than ever before. But skill must be allied to these weapons to make them really effective, and skill is very much the product of experience.
Science provides the cracksman with new weapons. Equally, science provides the safemaker with the means to combat them but, once again, skill comes into the reckoning for the safemaker can only present effective opposition if he is skilled in his craft.
The Chubb Standard TDR Safe is a blend of the latest in scientific know-how and close on 150 years experience in security engineering. A careful study has been made of burglaries throughout the world over recent years. Exhaustive tests have been carried out. The outcome is a safe of uniform strength, offering formidable protection against all known forms of attack.
The door is 7 1/2″ (190 mm.) thick overall. Rectangular, it is constructed from outer and inner steel plates continuously welded to form a single structure and enclosing a solid layer of Chubb Torch and Drill Resisting Material to produce a total metal thickness of 3″ (76 mm.). This material offers great resistance to oxygen cutting apparatus, as well as drills and forcing tools. A hinged chamber containing special Chubb fire-resisting material is fitted to the back of the door. The door is hung on hardened steel pivots with hinges of modern design.
By enclosing a 2″ (51 mm.) monolith of Chubb Torch and Drill Resisting Material in a single unit outer steel body, a safe body of great strength is produced. The outer steel body itself is formed by the latest welding process coupled with the most up-to-date steel bending techniques. The total solid metal thickness forming the body of the safe is 2 11/16″ (68 mm.).
The lockcase, an integral part of the door, is fitted on all four sides with sliding steel bolts, which engage directly into the boltholes made in the formed body of the safe. The number of sliding bolts in the safe varies according to size, but is never less than three each at the back and front, rising to a maximum of six each back and front, with one top and one bottom.
Securing the locking mechanism is a world-famous 7-lever Chubb keylock with detachable bitted stainless steel keys in duplicate. Alternative locking can be arranged. In particular this can be effected by a Chubb four-wheel keyless combination lock, each capable of 100,000,000 changes of code.
As a result of wide experience gained from the use of explosives, a new form of locking mechanism to resist explosive attack has been introduced. This emergency re-locking device is an important component of the locking mechanism, so that each and every time the safe is locked the device is automatically on guard. The nature of its design embraces the vital parts of the locking mechanism providing an additional security feature against the known forms of attack.
A high quality finish is achieved by the use of dark and medium grey enamels through-out. Other colours can be supplied to order at extra cost. The bolt throwing handle and the pull handle are satin chrome plated being mounted on a stainless steel panel running across the width of the door.
The fitting supports are formed in the sides of the lining; fittings being designed so that they can be adjusted at 1 1/16″ (27 mm) intervals.
The drawers are of steel, secured by keylock with keys in duplicate. The drawers are mounted between two shelves secured to the supports by vertical clips. They are supplied either as one full width drawer or two drawers, side by side.
The shelves are of sheet steel, flanged and secured to the supports by clips.
Are constructed of sheet steel, suitably reinforced and secured by keylock with keys in duplicate. The internal height of a cupboard can be made to suit a client’s exact requirements. The most common sizes are 12″ (305 mm) and 15″ (381 mm) high inside. The overall width of all cupboards is 1″ (25 mm) less than the internal width of the safe, the overall depth of all cupboards being 1″ (25 mm) less than the internal depth of the safe.
The use of these locks is strongly recommended. They can be fitted in lieu of, or in addition to, a keylock. Each lock is capable of 100,000,000 changes of code. The operation of the lock is simple and quick. The alteration of the code can be effected in a few minutes without any prior reference to Chubb. Being operated by a code, the possibility of keys being copied, lost, stolen or compromised is eliminated. As the code can be changed readily and easily, complete security can be maintained over a safe whenever there is a change of staff. The elimination of a keyhole, a ready-made receptacle for gelignite – reduces the possibility of explosive attacks. Refinements such as a dial checklock and anti-observation shields can be fitted at extra cost.
Chubb 2nd Strength TDR Safes (except size 2215) can be fitted with a Chubb (or other) dual movement 120 hour time lock. This clockwork mechanism fits inside the safe door and has no outside connection.It operates independently of any other form of locking.
Pre-set to go off at a selected hour, the lock prevents a safe from being opened until the correct time is reached, even if the other locks have been unlocked. A time lock can be set for anything between 1 and 120 hours.