Tann Bankers Treasury Safe
This safe has increased body thickness with grid reinforcement. The door is similarly strengthened and provided with devices to deter all forms of attack including thermic cutting. The TBT is specifically designed for heavy duty protection and use in banks but is also very suitable for general high risk purposes.
The body comprises a monolithic structure with an overall thickness of 125mm (5″) on all sides. The monolithic all round protection contains drill and torch resistant alloys in slab formation, reinforced against delamination attack by a heavy steel reinforced grid interlocked at each corner to give a continuous protective cage. This heavy reinforcement is embedded within Tann Adamantium. The protective alloy slabs have a thickness of 25mm (1″) minimum to a maximum of 45mm (1 25/32) in main bolt locking areas. As a final protection against skinning, steel grids are welded to the inside face of outer body plates suitably embedded within the Adamantium. The complete structure gives all round protection against known forms of attack.
The door is designed to give a maximum thickness of 120mm (4 3/4″) over the lock and boltwork, of which 55mm (2 3/16″) is metal content, and comprises an electrically welded steel carcass containing barrier materials to give a resistance against attack by drills, all forms of oxygen cutting, impact and other forms of attack.
The barrier materials contained within the structure are laminations of advanced alloy with hard inclusions 40mm thick, Tann Adamantium and materials giving a deterrent against thermic lance attack. Within the alloy barrier are integral anchor formations secured to the carcass to give resistance to delamination; the Tann Adamantium being suitably reinforced with a heavy steel welded grid to ensure maximum bonding and adhesion.
As an added protection against side attack through the body on the locks additional protective plates are added within the lock chamber.
Traditional style hinges with self lubricating bearings ensure easy movement of the door.
Thermic Lance Deterrent
Materials are included to deter Thermic Lance attack.
Lock and Boltwork
The boltwork of the TBT safe is a three-way locking system with fixed dog bolts on the rear edge of the door.
Each shoot bolt engages an individual pocket to secure the door to the body structure.
In standard form locking is effected by two Tann Series 20, nine lever keylocks; both locks operate live relocking devices. Full glass plate protection is given to the sensitive areas of the lockwork. Connected to the glass plate by seven strand stainless steel wire are four dead relocking devices, three of which are positioned at random.
The dead relocking system incorporates a thermal trigger which in the event of any heat generating attack will fire one dead relocking device.
It must be noted that all relocking devices when fired become cross locked.
Alternative locking by two four wheel combination locks is also available.
A two movement timelock may be incorporated into the locking system on all sizes with the exception of the 575 size.
All sizes of the TBT safes are provided with floor anchoring facilities.
Internal Fittings
A full range of internal fittings is available; the range includes adjustable shelves, single and double drawer units, and cupboards, a typical layout of internal fittings is illustrated opposite. Full details are available on request.
Furniture and finish
The safe, both externally and internally, is finished in an attractive semi-gloss fawn colour, with stainless steel cross panel and distinctive Tann furniture.