Ready for safeguarding its owner’s possessionswhether against fire or burglary, the Chubb Standard Quality Safe has protected contents in one of the worst blitz fires, during which the offices were completely devastated. The burning debris fell on and completely covered the safe. Water was still being used after four days burning. The contents of the safe including a large amount of Treasury Notes were found in perfect condition when opened.
The testimonials received from clients telling of the unsuccessful efforts by burglars to forcibly enter these safes show that for general office use Chubb Standard Quality Fire and Burglar Resisting Safes are the best all round safeguard.
RACKING: All safes are supplied with Racking to take Fittings.
PARTITION: In Folding Door Safes a central Partition must be fitted to take Shelves or Drawers on either side.
The particulars for Fittings on either side will be as in Single Door Safes.
SHELVES: All Shelves are adjustable at 1″ pitch.
DRAWERS: Full-width Drawers or 2-Drawers side by side, can be fitted from stock to all safes except safe 6428. They are constructed to give an inside height of either 4 3/16 or 6 3/16.
DRAWER HEIGHTS: Safe 22l5 can only be fitted with 4 3/16″ Drawers. Safe 3420 is fitted with 4 3/16″ Drawers, and Safes 4620, 5520, 6428, 5540 and 7640 are fitted with 6A” Drawers unless otherwise specified.
Drawers can be placed 3/8″ from the top of the Safe and at any intermediate position (at 1″ intervals) right down to the bottom.