Tann European Deposit 3 50

  • External measurements : H 920mm x W 720mm x D 690mm
  • Internal measurements : H 500mm x W 500mm x D 400mm
  • Weight : 810 KG
  • Volume : 100 L
  • Fire Rating : 0
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People who work in supermarkets, shops, convenience stores, petrol filling stations and other retail outlets where large sums of cash are handled, are always at risk from being faced by an armed, and potentially violent, criminal. With the significant increase in the number of robberies of this type, more victims are suffering psychological and physical injury resulting in long periods of enforced sick leave.

Reducing the risk
Cash gathered together in large amounts when being counted and checked, will eventually attract the attention of the criminals and it is incumbent on senior management to reduce the risk to their staff.

To discourage the criminals, who reconnoitre and plan their robberies, as little cash as possible must be accessible to the would be thief.

Protection by design
The only way to protect cash before it is collected or taken to the bank, is to secure it in an appropriate security safe that does not allow instant access. This delay of access can be performed by time delay locks or the keys being held off site. To enable deposits to be made in the locked and secure safe, we have designed the European Deposit Unit as an important addition to our European range of security safes.

Available on all European series safes
The Deposit Unit can be fitted to all European safes, grades 2-4. Mounted on top and as an integral part of the safe, the depository can face all four ways to suit any application. The same quality of barrier material is used in both safe and Deposit Unit.

Lock options
A wide variety of lock options are available to secure the Deposit Unit when not in use. Normal keylock or combination lock options can be augmented by time lock and time delay lock when considered advisable.

Alarm facility
The Deposit Unit and safe are both prepared for an appropriate alarm installation and the safe can be connected to an existing alarm system for even greater security.

For “through the wall” installations, a special reinforced deposit connection kit is available. This allows deposits to be made through any dividing wall directly into the safe.

A lockable compartment for the Deposit Unit is also available as an optional extra to only allow dual access to the Deposit Unit.

Additional information

Weight6426006209 kg