Chubb Conqueror 2

£525.00 exl VAT

  • External measurements : H 718mm x W 668mm x D 653mm
  • Internal measurements : H 550mm x W 500mm x D 420mm
  • Weight : 580 KG
  • Volume : 116 L
  • Cash Protection Value : £10k
  • Fire Rating : 0
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Every 24 hours in Britain over 800 commercial premises are burgled. Many old safes in use today were made before the development of modern cutting tools. They may look imposing but can often be opened by today’s burglars in just a few minutes.

The Chubb Conqueror gives a high standard of protection and resists attacks with disc cutters, drills, oxv-acetylene and explosives.

The body is 84mm thick and is constructed from inner and outer steel enclosing Chubb F4 barrier material. The jointless F4 barrier material is resistant to torch and disc attack and is securely anchored to the inner lining to provide excellent resistance to delamination attack.

The door is 147mm thick including the lock case. There is a total of 84mm of barrier material including F4 and other drill resisting materials

There are 32mm diameter bolts on all 4 sides of the door. These are secured by either a single lock or dual locks. There is a choice of keylock or combination lock. The combination lock has 3 wheels and is capable of being set to 1,000,000 different codes.

The locks are further protected by live and dead relocking devices which are set in the on-guard position when the safe is locked. They provide protection against attacks including explosives.

A timelock can also be fitted to the sizes 2 and over.

The independent Swedish National Testing Authority have awarded the Conqueror their A30 fire test label for document protection.

The Conqueror contains racking to accept the following optional fittings. • Heavy Duty Shelves • Lockable Cupboards • Lockable Drawers • Deposit Traps.

The Conqueror is prepared for secure fixing, to a wood or concrete floor.

Attractive warm light grey spatter finish to suit any environment.

The handle trimplate and keyhole cover are a warm dark grey.

The Royal Warrant is printed in grey.

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Weight6426006209 kg